There are plenty of churches around. Maybe we are not the church for you, but we would still love to see you plugged into the Body of Christ. There are many churches in Erie. Downtown there are a number of flagship churches for other denominations. Maybe we are too progressive or conservative for you in some areas, maybe both in different areas. People have a variety of preferences with worship and our blends a variety of elements. Our worship attendance is in the dozens, not hundreds or thousands, maybe there are places with more resources that you would like. 

Just be plugged into a church of believers. Here are some links.

  • Grace Church is a large church with its main site in McKean and a campus in Harbor Creek as well. We often partner with their downtown ministry ServErie and our pastor has been contracted to teach at their downtown Grace Leadership Institute where some of our members have attended classes.

  • The church we are most likely to be mistaken for, with at least 3 "St. Paul's" in the city and another in Millcreek. The Episcopal Cathedral of St. Paul is a flagship church in the Episcopal denomination and located between Gannon and the County Courthouse. The Cathedral has a well-known organ and choir.

  • West Erie PCA is in the neighboring West Bayfront neighborhood. It is similar in size and our pastors share similar theological training. They do hold a more "confessional" stance if that is something you are seeking.

  • First Presbyterian Church of the Covenant is downtown by Gannon. They are another host site for Our Neighbors' Place, they have a long standing ministry at Gannon, and a lovely preschool. They are a flagship church in the mainline Presbyterian denomination.

  • Elevate Church meets up at Millcreek Mall in the old movie theater. They describe their Worship Experience as "We want you to feel the bass in your chest during worship and sit on the edge of your seat during the message."

  • Community United often provides lunches to guests of the Upper Room at our church. The

    Senior Pastor is also a professor at Mercyhurst University. Community United is United Church of Christ.

  • This one might be cheating a little bit. Since 2018, The Cross | Erie has shared a building with us. In 2022 we began sharing a pastor and worship service. The Cross continues to host Short Term Mission trips, but for the most part we've become one church.

  • With a shared history as German churches downtown, Luther Memorial Church is a mainline Lutheran Church downtown. They have a K-8 school blocks from our church.